Pike Lake, SK - Timi. O

When I was young at the lake, everything I saw looked so peaceful. The water, calm and clear, stretched across the horizon, I could see the reflection of the sky in the water. There were trees standing proud and tall, with their shadows on the edges of the water. I remember ducks moving across the water peacefully, making small waves.

When I was young at the lake, I remember running as fast as I could to the water. I would always do that because I was so excited to skip rocks. I would grab rocks from near the lake. The rocks that I chose randomly would usually feel sharp and grainy and rough, but I still tried to skip them anyway. When skipping rocks, you’re supposed to go for the rocks that are smooth, flat, and easy to toss. But when I was young, I would just grab any rock I found, and hope for the best.

When I was young at the lake, the sound of the water and the feeling of the fresh air made me feel calm. Looking at the water and its surroundings would reveal to me how beautiful nature is. The warmth from the sun mixed with the cool breeze just felt too good. I remember hearing the sound of birds singing and chirping as I swiftly skipped each rock, trying to skip further and further.

At the lake, it was always a pleasure to be around my cousins, sometimes we would try and see who could skip the furthest. It was either they had more than 3 skips, or they failed miserably. Whenever they failed, they would just laugh it off, and that's what made it fun.

Pike Lake, SK
Timi O.