St. Lawrence River - Holly Johnston

I grew up in Morrisburg, Ontario on the shores of what is now called Lake St. Lawrence, created during the Seaway Project with the construction of three large hydroelectric dams. Throughout my life I have swam, fished, canoed, kayaked, boated and scuba-dived in this amazing body of water. My whole childhood is filled with the memories of being on or in this river. I have been to many places around this world, but my river has always called me back home.

The river brings unmeasurable amounts of tourism to our area, and the inundation of 13 villages along the edge of the river even led to the creation of Upper Canada Village, a historic museum that tells the history of British Loyalists who settled this area of Upper Canada after the American Revolution.

There are a multitude of shipwrecks, submerged canals, artifacts, house foundations and even gravesites under the river. The Long Sault Parkway is another attraction created from the flooding of the Seaway as well and is an 11 km parkway with multiple beaches and campsites along it.

The St Lawrence River is a body of water that should be protected and cared for for the benefit of future generations.

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Holly Johnston

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