Fraser Riverkeeper has been involved in 541 watermarks.
Fraser Riverkeeper is a registered Canadian charity, and a member of the Waterkeeper Alliance. Fraser Riverkeeper is dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Fraser River and its watershed. Fraser Riverkeeper’s mission is to ensure all citizens can safely swim, drink, and fish in British Columbia waters.
Garibaldi Lake, BC
Laurel L.
Garibaldi Lake, BC
Chelsea Weisner
Garibaldi Lake, BC
Don Cornish
Garry Point Park
Jeinny Louie
Geographe Bay, Australia
Adam Harvey
Georgia Strait, BC
Angus A.
Georgia Strait, BC
Cameron Masterton
Georgia Strait, BC
Charlotte Telfer-War
Georgia Strait, BC
Christine Howe
Georgia Strait, BC
James Higgins
Georgia Strait, BC
Laura Jeffries
Georgia Strait, BC
Lili L.
Georgia Strait, BC
Rachel Schoeler
Georgia Strait, BC
Shawn Finnie
Georgia Strait, BC
Yvonne Y.
Georgia Strait, BC
Harleen H.
Georgian Bay, ON
Christine Fawcett
Georgian Bay, ON
James Kim
Georgian Bay, ON
Zahra Remtulla
Gig Harbor, USA
Donna Forbes
Gold Creek, BC
Julia Larsen
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Diana O'Connell
Green Lake, BC
Tammy Dyck
Haida Gwaii, BC
Holly McAlister