Lake Ontario, ON - Klaas van Vlief

My name is Klaas van Vlief. The waterbody is Lake Ontario and its located in Ontario.

This was the summer of 2006.

As we usually do camping every year, we got to the beach that day and there was a film crew there. They approached my wife and us and asked if it was ok to film our kids running into the water. We said ya ok, we signed some papers, you know, not to make any money off of it. Then about the next summer, my wife goes on a school trip with the kids to the IMAX theatre at the science centre and low and behold who’s on the screen on the film they go see it's my kids running into the water.

Picton beach, its beautiful, Sandbanks (beach) actually its called. Gorgeous day, sun shining. (It was) later on in the day, most people had left and it was nice.

Lake Ontario, ON
Claire Lawson
Klaas van Vlief

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