Pigeon River, ON - The Kents: Warren

My name is Warren, and I am the lead vocals for the Kents.

The Pigeon River, right outside of Omemee, is the waterbody I feel most connected to.

I was about 10 when my family moved to the outside of Omemee, Ontario. Just down the road to us, Pigeon River goes through a bridge, and there’s an underpass you go down. When I was younger my dad would walk down there with my siblings and I, and we would look for frogs and crayfish. It’s always been a thing, where if my family was taking a walk, we would go down to the bridge, and that area of water.

There is legendary family video of my brother jumping into the water from the bridge, which was a huge deal at the time. My brother convinced my dad he was going to jump in the bridge when he was 12, and my dad was super excited and took a video.

We’ve skated on the river in the winter, and canoed there. But it became more of thing for me as I got older because we moved away. I just love to go there still. It’s this old deserted road, where I go if I need to think or something at night after work. It’s just serene. It’s the country side, with no lights. When its that kind of night, the stars are just so clear. I love to go there with people or by myself. It’s cool that its been a place that stayed with me, and a place to go and reflect. It’s just a place where I can think by myself. It’s not a high traffic spot, so I think nature has the ability to thrive there. It’s great.

Dana Jackson
Warren Frank

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