Bow River, AB - Chris Aultmitw

My Watermark is the Bow River, Alberta.

The first time I went to Alberta I saw glacial waters. It was crystal blue and clear. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was just so clear and so beautiful. It made me realize how beautiful this country is, with all the resources, and how fortunate we here. There are so many places in the world that are less fortunate than us.

It made me kind of sad to know that nature is constantly being encroached upon, and we as humans do very little in terms of stopping the threats to nature. It also made me think about my own actions and how I use water everyday.

From that day on, I’ve always tried to be mindful of my water usage. Overall, it was just a very humbling experience. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was so powerful and so beautiful.

Bow River, AB
Weiyuan Che
Chris Aultmitw

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