Atlantic Ocean, USA - Jessica Bellas

My family has traveled to Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina regularly for vacation for the last 20 years because it is my “happy place” where I can relax, disconnect and recharge. It is truly a family-friendly beach because dogs are welcomed as members of the family.

We always stay at the Atlantis Lodge because it has a strong focus on preservation of the natural environment and the lodge is built around the dunes and natural vegetation. I love drinking my morning coffee and watching the wildlife moving about in the dunes. I love taking my dog Ruby for walks along the beach. I love running into the waves with Ruby. I love watching Ruby sniff crab holes in the sand. I love taking a nap on the beach while listening to the waves crash. I love the memories of taking my previous two dogs, Onyx and Jade, to the same beach as well.

Kelly Schnare
Jessica Bellas

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